After the last couple of misses in the tulip season (as you can read in this blogpost) I said to myself that this time I was going to be at the right time and moment. But then a little baby girl called Noor was born in my little family and things suddenly got very hectic during the flower bulb season. Finally on my  birthday we went out on a little family trip with the five of us and visited the flower bulb fields… to discover that again… most of the tulips were gone already!

After driving around a little we found a nice field and we did a little family photoshoot in-between the flower field. Even though the conditions weren’t great, I still wanted to photograph the flowers and the fields. I took it upon myself to try to shoot something different than just a landscape and go for some more close in shots because the conditions were harsh noon light from an overcast sky. This proved to be successful tactics and even in those conditions I was abeled to take home some keepers. Check out the results below! (click on the images for bigger results)


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